Participating teenagers about OF


"It was one of the best times I've ever had! I made so many new friends!" (Adam, 17, USA)

"Traveling to a country and staying in a family is the best way to travel! Itís so easy to learn things about their culture." (Georgia, 15, USA)

"Nicht viele von meinen Freunden können behaupten, dass sie Freunde in den USA oder auf der Krim haben. Ich schon, Dank OF."
"Not many of my friends can say that they have friends in the USA and the Crimea. I can - thanks to OF."
 (Steffi, 16, Deutschland)

"Bei OF mitzumachen war die beste Entscheidung meines Lebens bisher. Neue Freunde, neue Kultur, einfach super Sommer."
"Taking part in OF has been the best decision in my life so far. New friends, new culture, one fantastic summer."
 (Dasha, 18, Krim)